
Plum Blossom 

Flowering in winter, flowers without pistil, growing leaves after flowering, flower buds with scaly or bell-shaped sepal, color varies from species to species: white, pink, red, purple, light green, etc., Mainly white mixed with light red, fragrant flowers, and a variety of species. The flowers are divided into single and double petals, the fruits are walnuts. With abundant sunlight, good drainage, and clean air, the three basic ecological conditions that plum blossoms need.


Internet Celebrity Recommendation |  January:Nantou Xinyi Plum Blossom Season,Sheipa Leisure Farm,Xinyi Tuchang Plum Garden, Tainan MeiLing Scenic Area, Taichung Xinshe Plum Blossom Tunnel

Appreciated the featured floral spectacles drawn by the seasons!

ADD:No. 133-1, Zhongzheng Rd., Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City 336, Taiwan
ADD:No. 29-3, Dongcundongjiang, Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County 353, Taiwan
ADD:No. 3, Sanbu 7th Rd., Shuili Township, Nantou County 553, Taiwan
ADD:No. 87, Yanghe Ln., Xinyi Township, Nantou County 556, Taiwan
ADD:No. 67-8, Luoshan, Fuli Township, Hualien County 983, Taiwan
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