Li Chuan Aqua Farm
Li Chuan Aqua Farm
Li Chuan Aqua Farm – The homeland of Golden Clam Located in between the natural center range and coastal range of Taiwan. Due to less population thus no polution founded in the farm.


Li Chuan Aqua Farm – The homeland of Golden Clam
Located in between the natural center range and coastal range of Taiwan. Due to less population thus no polution founded in the farm. The water vapor from the pacific ocean turn into rain when pass through the center range, and the underground water also founded in this area, so there are various river occured. Due to the rich and clean water supply, the farmers develop a world class fresh fountain water cultivation area. Li Chuan Aqua Farm able to produce high quality Golden clam with this superiority.

Li Chuan Aqua Farm is a leisure farm, which visitor can experience the clam finding activity in the fresh water. Do not miss the chance to try the best Golden Clam in the farm restaurant, the chef using the simple and local taiwanese way to cook and present the original taste of Golden Clam. Nevertheless, you also can purchase the clam essence and related product for your own consume or as the gift for your loves one!

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Li Chuan Clam

Using the fresh fountain water to raise the high quality Golden Clam, all the clam is huge and juicy. Cook with chilis, garlic and basil, it tasted spicy, delicious and make you can’t stop eating! The best Golden Clam only in Li Chuan Aqua Farm.


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No.45, Yuchi, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County


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