Against the wind, I drive up a lotus-lined avenue in Guanyin. Hanging on the horseweed gate is a clear sign: “Serendipity with Lotuses”. Next to the gate …
Against the wind, I drive up a lotus-lined avenue in Guanyin. Hanging on the horseweed gate is a clear sign: “Serendipity with Lotuses”. Next to the gate are cows and pumpkin wagons to welcome visitors. The seemingly contradictory combinations are not too incongruous. The wooden tables and chairs scattered around resemble a casual atmosphere where farmers of the past would have welcomed visitors with a cup of tea. The King Lotuses here are able to carry a weight of 100 kilograms. This is the kingdom of dreams built by Wang Sheng-Wen. His wife has become skilful in recent years at growing all kinds of precious and exotic flowers and plants. People from abroad feel at home here on the farm, making this a favourite for tourists all around.

Lotus Garden, built in 1999, was Wang Sheng-Wen’s childhood dream. At that time, Taiwan was removed as a representative from the UN. Suffering from autism when he was a child, he had a dream to create a “united garden” to attract travelers around the world to Taiwan with beautiful horticulture. He also wanted to share his knowledge on flower with people. He stayed true to his childhood dream and created a haven for taking photos.
Features of Agricultural Tourism
Guanyin, Taoyuan is home to lotuses. To stand out from other lotus fields, the farm introduced the King Lotus 21 years ago. The leaves of King Lotuses, like giant plates, can carry 100 kilograms of weight. People can dance, sit and lie down on the leaves. This has been a widely popular activity since its inception.
Can King Lotuses carry people? If you turn over the leaf of a King Lotus, you will see lots of carefully grown spikes, all of which stem from the center outwards like a network, forming numerous square air cells. These air cells serve as the interface for surface tension. Due to the large number of air cells, the leaf can bear the weight of a person without sinking. This is how amazing the nature is.
The leaves of King Lotuses are massive. Wang Sheng-Wen places an acrylic sheet on top of them so that visitors can stand and sit down easily. It’s not easy to walk from land to leaf, so the farm staff will provide their service.
Can King Lotuses carry people? If you turn over the leaf of a King Lotus, you will see lots of carefully grown spikes, all of which stem from the center outwards like a network, forming numerous square air cells. These air cells serve as the interface for surface tension. Due to the large number of air cells, the leaf can bear the weight of a person without sinking. This is how amazing the nature is.
The leaves of King Lotuses are massive. Wang Sheng-Wen places an acrylic sheet on top of them so that visitors can stand and sit down easily. It’s not easy to walk from land to leaf, so the farm staff will provide their service.
No. 690, Jinhua Rd., Guanyin Dist., Taoyuan City 328 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)