ZhuoYe Cottage Farm
ZhuoYe Cottage Farm

Zhuo Ye Cottage has a strong spirit of agriculture. It aims to show its production, ecology and lifestyle at once. Visitors can join a “Indigo dye” workshop or purchase the dyes at the gift shop.


Zhuo Ye Cottage has a strong spirit of agriculture. It aims to show its production, ecology and lifestyle at once. Visitors can join a “Indigo dye” workshop or purchase the dyes at the gift shop. The cottage team takes pride in their Taiwanese-style guest rooms with beautiful mountain views and specially designed vegetarian health cuisine. Crave for some laidback hours? Come to Zhuo Ye!
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Hakka’s Mini-Burger

The combination of crispy pastry, artermisia bun and peach leaf, by using traditional ingredients and modern cooking way, it produce a Hakka’s Mini-Burger.


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No. 1-9, Bongshanxia, Shuangtan Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County.


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