Zhuo Ye Cottage
From farm to table, retrieving the initial moving sentiment of the dishes.

Learn Local Dishes in Rural Village, Recognize the Taste of Taiwan!
Slow down your pace and walk into the cittaslow – Sanyi, visit Zhuo Ye Cottage and search for the primary natural color.
This is an experience program that integrates environmental education into cuisine: a natural dye plant can be used to dye cloths and make dishes. To learn more about eco-friendly cultivation method, establish the diet concept of local production and marketing, natural processing and green food cooking during the process while listening to guiding interpretation and doing it yourself. The trip which possesses the extreme meaning of education is an eco-tour that allows both adults and children to enjoy fully the culture and environment of the area.

Schedule of the Experience 6hr
- 60m Understanding and harvesting of dye
- 30m Extraction of dye colors
- 90m Hands-on learning of incorporating dye into cuisine
- 90m Tasting of self-prepared cuisines and food prepared by the farm owner
- 90m My secret garden – natural-dyed cloth
#Natural Indigo

#Five-colored shaved ice (summer)/ Multi-colored ginger rice balls (winter)
Colorful Jelly Cake Ice: natural plant dye is applied to make the simple jelly cake unordinary. Ice ingredients and other seasonings are added to develop a bowl of colorful frozen food.

#Natural-colored noodles
(cold noodles-summer or Lion’s mane mushroom sesame oil ginger soup noodles-winter)
Use of natural-colored noodles (farm souvenir) to educate pupils on how to prepare springy noodles, using local ginger Japanese style sauce (summer) or stir-fried Lion’s mane mushroom sesame oil ginger soup (winter), and then use vegetables on the farm or micro greens to plate the food, and create your own bowl of noodles full of color and taste.
#Colorful green bean cake or Qingdai Shanlan toast
Use of dye plants to make baking products or pastries, which can be packaged and taken home to share with friends and relatives.

#Natural dyeing accessories, apparel, souvenirs